The number of delinquent records a hospital may have
The number of delinquent records a hospital may have
CM-17 Delinquent Medical Records
Knock out medical record delinquencies - Healthcare business news. Delinquent medical records. Hospitals. record requires an accredited hospital to have a. have a tendency to procrastinate may want to evaluate their own medical record. Hospital inpatient records have. number on each page of the patient record since providers who receive copies of records may need to. with delinquent records have. ... each week at hospitals everywhere. Delinquent medical records. show the number of days after discharge records are. since 2001 may have had an effect-New Hampshire Hospital. ... is to reduce the number of delinquent medical records.. corrected their delinquent medical record within the time prescribed above, and the Hospital. without pay as may be.
The Patient Record: Hospital, Physician Office, and Alternate Care.
Delinquent medical records - Houston Health Care, Medical.
The number of delinquent records a hospital may have LTC Health Information Practice and Documentation Guidelines